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Wys³any: ¦ro 9:13, 25 Cze 2014 Temat postu: |
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Two other shuttles have already completed their flights and are destined now to be displayed in science museums. The Discovery will go on display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and the Endeavour is headed to the California Science Center in Los Angeles. |
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Wys³any: Sob 17:29, 01 Mar 2014 Temat postu: |
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Two other shuttles have already completed their flights and are destined now to be displayed in science museums. The Discovery will go on display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and the Endeavour is headed to the California Science Center in Los Angeles. |
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At present, the project has been the City Planning Commission will pass, has completed the project planning and design, land property, land and other related work is being submitted for approval. |
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